Cross Culture Communication

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The meaning of the proverbs in the text book on page 75 number 8

1. Time is money.
Time is valuable as money. This means that don't waste time because it is precious and effective as money.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.
The rip in clothes expands soon. And you will become out of control. So if you get one stitch on the rip now, you can avoid the trouble of having to get nine stitches later. This means that it is important to prepare not to fail in advance and if you deal with the problem quickly, you feel easy later.

3. There's no time like the present.
This means that now especially is important in your precious time.

4. Let's meet at four. If I'm not there by five, leave without me at six, and I'll be there at seven.
I don't know this proverb. Maybe this means that it is indifferent to time.


Blogger HJU Teacher said...

Very good. Try to give a reason why you think this on your last comment.

6:12 AM  

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