Cross Culture Communication

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Comments on CCC class. What did you learned this semester/year in class. Did this class change your opinions about communicating with other cultures? How?

I learned various difference of cultures and customs each country. It was interesting. Especially, it was interesting about the country that I researched. For example, sence of time is different from Japanese. Also, we don't eat all of our meals in the country. I was surprised how difference cultures and customs compared with Japan. As for the table manners, it showed well.
It was good that I can learn a lot in this class because I don't have a chance to come into contact with a different culture. I want to know more from now about culture in other countries.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Please read the opinion in the December 6th International Herald Tribune. Do you agree with the writer? Why?

I agree with the writer. I also think being able to speak English is important.

In other countries there are many people who can speak English even if it's the country that English is not the official language, but many Japanese speak only Japanese. Globalization advances with every aspect now such as economy and local community. Therefore I think that it may become necessary to speak English.
When we go abroad or talk with foreigners, a wall of lanuage is so big for us. If we don't tell someone what we think, they don't know about it. Each other's mutual understanding is possible by speaking the same language. In addition, we can enjoy going abroad more if we can speak English.
Now we tend to put English in elementary school as part of curriculum. I think it's good because it's a chance to be interested in English.

We get to be able to speak English, and we should deepen exchange with foreigners.