Cross Culture Communication

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Did her speech change your views of Islam?

I listened to this speech, and my thought changed a little. A negative image was strong because I often heard news of terrorism and dispute about Islam. But I felt that it isn't only negative thing when I watched a photograph of the family who looked happy in this speech.

1.How do you greet people in your life? Is different for different people? Why?

When I greet people, I say "Ohayogozaimasu" or "Konnichiwa" etc. For friends, I say only greeting words or I sometimes wave with the words. For elderly, I greet with polite words and bow. Because I want to come in contact with friends and I need to honor the elder.

2. Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or why not?

When I talk to people, I hardly touch them. I think how to communicate of Japanese basically don't touch and we call for polite to greet. But I often see people who shake hands. Shaking hands means friendly.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

About Islam

2. Check the newspapers for the next 2 weeks and find articles about Islam. How are they talked about? Do you feel negative or positive about Islam because of these articles?

A bomb set set by a car exploded in scared place Kerbela of Islam Shiah of the Iraqi central part in the night of 28th. According to Reuter, at least 60 died, and about 170 got injured. A lot of Alids toward worship after sunset was rolled up.
This is thought to be the terrorism that aimed at Alid by armed group of Sunni.

Yomiuri newspaper Monday, April 30 page 5

This article is written that many people died by terrorism. I feel negative about Islam because of this article. I often hear the news of terrorism and dispute about such Islam. This is very terrible. It is strange that an opposition happens in the same religion, and it is too sad that much life is sacrificed by it. It is dangerous thing to gain a fight with weapons and arms. So, judging from only this article, I don't have good impression for Islam.

List of adjective: negative, terrible, strange, sad, dangerous

Sunday, May 06, 2007


1.How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it?

We take a bath everyday. It seem to have come to Japan from China with transmission of Buddhism and have been understood to be good for health because it was preached 'seven disease is removed and seven kinds of happiness are provided' in teaching of Buddhism. I like to take a bath because I feel like it being with cleanliness, and both a heart and a body can be refreshed by soaking in a bustub.